A photo of Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione

I don’t generally like photos of me and so the thought of doing a whole photoshoot of just me was terrifying. I’m not a very good subject and don’t cooperate well with the instructions like, put your chin up and smile but don’t smile. At one point, I just started laughing and put my hand over my face because I felt so ridiculous. And he took the photo. And he nailed it. I don’t know what it is about this photo but I love it and I feel like he totally captured me in that moment (and beyond). Photo courtesy of Aaron Box Photography


About me

I was reflecting one day and started making a list of who I am as a leader and who I am in life. When I came to teacher, I didn’t know where to put it. It truly fit into both and when I started looking at my list, many overlapped. I can’t separate out leadership as for me it is how I try to live my life every day. The two constantly bleed into each other.

One of my ten year goals is that I am well-respected in my community and I am changing the world. It doesn’t get more leadership and life than that.

I’m a teacher at heart with a passion for empowering others. I taught junior high for eight years; first at Cadotte Lake and then with Edmonton Public Schools. I spent several years as a grade level coordinator before ultimately resigning to be home with my children and build a different career. The skills I learned through my BEd and my years of teaching have continued to serve me now.

I maintain my passion for education, albeit in a different role. I strongly believe in parent engagement and have worked tirelessly to promote Parents as Partners.

I built a leadership program from scratch to help individual contributors transition to leaders of others (level 1 of The Leadership Pipeline).