The Challenge of Leadership
A Free Leadership Toolbox
A curated collection of resources, insights and practical tools for empowered leadership
✓ self-paced
✓ tangible tools
✓ curated resources
You love leading, but you need support.
You’ve been to the bookstore and the volume of information is overwhelming.
You want help, but don’t know where to start.
Does this sound like you?
Your meetings could be more efficient. You don’t feel like you are accomplishing what you need to.
You know core values are important, but looking at list of 50 and trying to narrow them down makes you want to give up.
You read books, but don’t know how to take what you read and implement it.
Your task list seems to grow when you aren’t looking and you don’t know how to get it all done.
You want a kick-ass team, but don’t know how to build it.
You feel like you are making so many mistakes and that you are are the only one (everyone else knows what they are doing)
You want to communicate more effectively with others, but don’t know how.
This toolbox is designed for you.
I’ve read enough and I want access now!

The Challenge of Leadership
A Free Leadership Toolbox
Core Values: the importance of knowing your core values and how to ensure your actions align with them
Understand Yourself & Others: understanding how you communicate, what motivates and stresses you and how to adapt to other people’s styles so you communicate effectively
Task management: how to prioritize tasks so you are focused on the most important work and can give yourself permission to dump some of the stuff we do because we think we have to (or should)
Meeting Management: how to run an efficient and effective meeting
Common Leadership Mistakes: common leadership mistakes (and how to fix them)
Strong Teams: how to build a strong, cohesive team
Apply What You Read: learn how to translate what you read into a useful plan
What’s in the toolbox?
Downloadable PDF resources
Curated blog posts
The Plan
Congratulations. Good Luck!
Now what?
So many people, are promoted or placed into a leadership position, but aren’t given the knowledge, training or resources to be successful.
Starting at the shelves upon shelves at the bookstore is overwhelming. Where do you start?
Putting “leadership development” into Google returns millions (billions) of responses. How do you narrow it down?
You look at your calendar and notice the lack of empty space to add more.
You want to do a great job, but are starting to wonder how you are going to learn what you need to be a kick-ass leader.
When you ask for help, you get unhelpful advice.
This toolbox is designed for you!
I’ve created a ton of resources over the past few years, and I’ve compiled them into one toolbox.
Signing up for the toolbox gives you instant access to all of it. No waiting for emails to arrive. It’s all there.
Downloadable PDF resources.
Curated blog posts about each topic
You don’t need to consume one section to access the next. Pick and choose what’s valuable to you and ignore the rest. It might be helpful one day (and it will be there when you need it).
Meet Jacquie
Teacher. leader. connector.
I love teaching, and I approach most things through that lens. How can I help? How can I empower lasting change? What support does someone need? How can I provide that.
I’ve taught for decades (teenagers are some of my favorite beings) and I’ve worked with leaders for almost as long. Whether I taught those skills in my classroom, or I taught formal leadership programs.
With this toolbox, I picked some of my favorite topics and just created resources I thought would help other people. I don’t want people to struggle, when they don’t need to.
It started as a series of individual resources, but I decided (as with all of us), they were stronger together and could make a bigger impact as a toolbox, so here it is!
Do you have QUESTIONS? I’ve come up with some answers.
No problem. Just navigate to that section and ignore the rest.
Forever? Or until I change my website and offer something different? I have no plans to get rid of the toolbox (probably just to add to it), so just bookmark the page and use it to help you.
Awesome. I would love if you shared this sign up page with others. As a small business, I rely on word of mouth and support from my clients and subscribers. I just ask that you have them sign up, rather than sharing the actual toolbox with them. Seems fair for something that’s free!
Nope. Some people prefer reading; others want videos. Access is there to what you want and how you want to consume it (I’m more of a reader than a watcher).
I’ve been creating resources on a piecemeal basis as I wrote a blog post, or thought of an idea. In June/July 2023, I hosted a Leadership Challenge. I recorded the videos and compiled the resources. When it was done, it seemed like a waste to just let it all sit there inaccessible, so I thought it would be fun (and helpful) to compile it as a toolbox so it could live on forever (hopefully).
I know where you are coming from, and I’d love to, but it’s the whole teach a person to fish thing (and besides, I have enough of my own tasks to do). But I’d love to coach you further if you are looking for extra support.

I like your style and want to hear MORE
Sign up and get immediate access to this treasure trove of resources.