A testimonial from Brandi Rai which reads: Jacquie's knowledgeable, compassionate, and thorough guideance when assisting our team with our DISC profile assessment has changed our current team dynamic so extensively that each member will carry the ...

How will getting a DISC Profile help me?

Have you ever struggled to communicate with someone and you just weren’t connecting or understanding each other? Were they abrupt and direct and maybe you felt in conflict? Perhaps they were verbose and you were having a difficult time extracting their main point or their ask? Possibly, you were trying to overcome a challenge together, and found you had conflicting focuses. Communication challenges can be very frustrating, and can negatively impact team dynamics and productivity.

We all have innate communication and behaviour styles. When we communicate with someone who has a similar style, it just flows and we seem to “get” each other. Unfortunately, we often work with others who have a different style which creates opportunities for conflict, hurt feelings and misunderstandings. When you understand someone else’s communication style, however, and can adjust your style to meet their needs, or conversely, hear them as they are, which can improve productivity and results, while decreasing misunderstandings and conflict. DISC gives you an excellent framework to understand how you communicate, as well as, recognize the style of those around you. Awareness of your DISC style, and the style of others, helps you build a stronger relationship, communicate effectively, and motivate them.

What is Extended DISC?

Extended DISC is based on the research of Carl Gustav Jung and behavioural theories which have been used for over 90 years. Dr. Jung created a model for human behaviour that included four different behavioural styles. William Moulton Marston built on that model, naming the four styles D, I, S, and C:

  • D-style (Dominance)

  • I style (Influence)

  • S-style (Steadiness)

  • C-style (Correctness)

Extended DISC built on these models to create an assessment which determines someone’s main style. We generally sit most comfortably in one of these quadrants, but can learn to adapt to each of them.

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Why do an Extended DISC?

I have used Extended DISC for several years and I like its simple yet deeply personal and informative reports. Understanding DISC at a surface level is relatively simple. Knowing both your profile, and someone else’s, gives you some initial information about how you may communicate. The report, however, is very detailed in terms of areas where you will feel comfortable, and areas where you will take more energy. It also gives great advice about how to modify your behaviour and communication style to effectively work with each profile.

Sheryl Sandberg quote which states: We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change.

 Case Study

I was working with a client lately who was struggling with personality conflicts and discord in her organization. We decided to do DISC profiles for each member of her team and some education sessions. When I checked in with her after the initial session, she was so happy. We did a second session which solidified her impression about the power of DISC.

She had participated in several profiling activities over the years and none “stuck” until DISC. DISC is simple enough that it’s easy to understand at a big picture level, but it is detailed enough to suggest meaningful ideas to the person.

She reflects on the DISC profiles after conversations, with familiar and unfamiliar people and she is able to start adjusting her style in response to the style of the other person. She considers the DISC style of individuals on her team when she prepares reports and tries to adjust to their style. A C herself, she will work to create a high level overview, along with the details for her team, which has a high number of Ds. When writing emails to Is an Ss, she ensures that she asks about how they are doing and tries to make the email somewhat more personal.

In understanding the various profiles, she finds herself slower to judge others, especially those with a different profile.

She has a deeper understanding of why personal, interpersonal or emotional discussions require increased effort and thus more energy. She recognizes that these types of discussions are draining (and now understands why) and can plan extra breaks where appropriate to regroup. Additionally, she will work to stretch herself into the other profiles, rather than expecting them to come into hers.

She further believes that she will utilize what she’s learned, and will continue to learn, in her personal and professional lives, for years to come.



 1 Assessment - Multiple Reports

Once you buy and complete an assessment, we can pull multiple reports with no further cost.

That’s right. You pay once and can get a variety of reports (individual or team) for free.

Reports Available

  • Individual Assessment

  • Team Report

  • Leadership Assessment

Who Can Benefit?

  • Individuals

  • Sales People

  • Teams

  • Leaders

  • Managers

Key Benefits

  • Easy to understand, but detailed and focused enough to give specific advice to your combined style

  • Build stronger, more effective relationships

  • Improve team unity which increases results

  • Learn to communicate more effectively

  • Understand your motivators and situations which reduce your motivation and how you react under pressure

  • As a leader understand what reduced motivation for your team members so you can play to their strengths

  • Recognize other styles so you can adapt

  • Understand how you deal with change

  • Gain insight into your blind spots and use this information to help plan your day

  • Recognize team strengths and blind spots



What we offer


Extended DISC Assessments

Take a short quiz which will generate a detailed report outlining your behaviour style, strengths, reactions to pressure situations and situations which reduce motivation. Additionally, specific breakdowns relating how comfortable various behaviours are included. Lastly, it includes information about how to recognize each profile, as well as, suggestions on what to do and what not to do with each profile, based specifically on your profile.

One on One Training

I will work with you on an individual basis to understand your report and start to make a plan about how to utilize it. Learn about how to identify your comfortable behaviours and how to lean into those not as comfortable. Identify possible blind spots and learn to identify and understand the various profiles, as well as, how to (and how not to) interact with each one.

Team Training

As an extension of individual reports, team reports detail the strengths and challenges of a specific team. Get a copy of that report and learn how to identify team strengths and blind spots. Learn to understand team dynamics and how to create a stronger, more cohesive team.


DISC Blog Posts

Learn more about DISC by reading some recent blog posts.


D-I-S-C Overviews

Click on the images to read a blog post specifically about that style!