Posts tagged Self-Care
Right Brain Creativity & Idle Boredom

I was reading a book the other night: The 4% Fix and came across this passage:

“Have you ever had a brilliant idea or solved what felt like an unsolvable problem in the shower, or just before falling asleep, or maybe when you’re sitting alone in nature? The quietness and stillness of your mind during these types of activities allow for thought processes that couldn’t get through the noise before.” (Karma Brown pp. 195-6)

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Self Care: Put Your Oxygen Mask on First

I believe in “signs” in the way that your mind will focus on what you need and see things. Last night, I saw a tweet by Jody Carrington that talked about slowing down and breathing. It hit me and I reflected on it.

It’s been a very busy week and I’ve had two commitments each evening all week and I’m feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. When I feel like this, my brain becomes fuzzy, and I often make bad decisions which can start a bad cycle

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A friend called and at the end of a long, awesome conversation, we were talking about goals. One of goals is to have a sense of style and to know how to put outfits together, to apply makeup and to do my hair. I have always struggled with feeling cool and stylish, and over the years, I have just accepted that this particular skill will not hold space on my top ten list. I look at teens today and they appear so much more put together than my generation ever was (I grew up in the generation of neon, legwarmers and crimped hair although I never thought any of those were cool either).

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Clarity Breaks

An important part of leadership is to pause and take breaks (as I mentioned in THIS Pause blog post). Sometimes those breaks are mental breaks to recoup and recover. Other times, they should be clarity breaks where you take a step back and focus on your business or your life. It’s a chance to clear your mind of the thousand questions and thoughts flying around and get them down on paper.

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Our daily lives have become crazier and busy is worn like a badge. With 24/7 access to our smartphones, computers and tablets, we never seem to ever be “off.” I even read out of office replies that state someone is away, but if it is an emergency, to call them. Why do we believe that we are not entitled to time away; to a vacation or a break.

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