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Atomic Habits
James Clear lays out a clear model (incorporating 4 Laws) for developing habits:
Emotional Intelligence 2.0
Success is no longer determined by intellectual intelligence, experience or education, but rather, by emotional intelligence (EQ).
Crucial Conversations
Patterson, Grenny, McMillan & Switzer observed people who seem to navigate crucial conversations with skill and determined that they had a specific skillset which they used to create a model.
Daring Greatly
Brene Brown’s challenges the assumption that vulnerability is weakness and provides research to refute the claim.
A Whole New Mind
Daniel Pink’s tagline for this book is “Why right-brainers will rule the future.” Hmmm, ruling the future seems like a fun goal
The Leader Who Had No Title
Told as a business fable, The Leader Who Had No Title tells the story of Blake Davis, a military veteran working at a book store.
The Coaching Habit
Michael Bungay Stanier asks you to stay curious just a little bit longer, rather than simply jumping to giving advice which is our tendency.