Leadership & Life Essentials

A Radio Show

A weekly show that delivers concise, actionable insights on effective leadership


Current Episode:

Sound Sugar Radio

Monday - Friday @ 11:00 am

(repeats approximately every 90 minutes)

Past Episodes:

Apple Podcast


(or listen from the show page)

Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione

Episode 3: Rock Stars vs Superstars: Tailoring Your Leadership Approach

Kim Scott's concepts of Rock Stars and Superstars highlight the value of recognizing different growth trajectories within a team. Rock Stars provide stability and consistent excellence, while Superstars drive change and seek new challenges. Effective leadership involves understanding and supporting both, ensuring that each team member thrives in a role that suits their ambitions and strengths. Balancing these dynamics is key to building a resilient and high-performing team.

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Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione

Episode 2: Clear the Clutter - The Power of Clarity Breaks

Clarity breaks are essential for leaders, offering dedicated time away from daily tasks to think, reflect, and gain perspective. These breaks enhance decision-making, creativity, and focus while reducing stress. By scheduling regular clarity breaks in a distraction-free environment, leaders can transition from merely managing tasks to strategically improving their business and personal effectiveness.

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