Posts tagged Mental Outlook
I Don’t React Well When Things Go Off Plan ...

Last week, I was setting up my Facebook Live and the tech wouldn’t work. I kept trying to click through the options and it kept stalling and I was stuck. I skipped one week and in that time Facebook changed the interface. I didn’t know if I was doing something wrong, or if the issues were on their end, but I just felt the anxiety and stress creep up as 8:30 am came and then passed

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Right Brain Creativity & Idle Boredom

I was reading a book the other night: The 4% Fix and came across this passage:

“Have you ever had a brilliant idea or solved what felt like an unsolvable problem in the shower, or just before falling asleep, or maybe when you’re sitting alone in nature? The quietness and stillness of your mind during these types of activities allow for thought processes that couldn’t get through the noise before.” (Karma Brown pp. 195-6)

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Gratitude Reflection

It was just over a month ago that I wrote about a search for gratitude and optimism (Searching for Optimism and Gratitude). I (re)started a gratitude practice, although I committed do finding gratitude every single day, regardless of circumstances for the whole month of December. I’ve done the practice in the past, however, when I had a really hard day(s), I tended to drop it. The irony of that, though, is those were the days, I truly needed it.

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