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Recommended Books Kim Scott Recommended Books Kim Scott

Radical Candor - The Book

Kim Scott creates a quadrant with a horizonal axis which measures how much someone challenges directly and a vertical axis which measures how much someone cares personally. The quadrant where someone cares personally and challenges directly results in Radical Candor.

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Recommended Books Simon Sinek Recommended Books Simon Sinek

The Infinite Game - The Book

We all understand finite games; with a set time frame, established rules, and clear winners and losers (sports, competitions). Our world, generally, reflects a infinite game, where the rules and time frame are unclear and there often is no clear winner and loser.

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Recommended Books Brene Brown Recommended Books Brene Brown

Dare to Lead - The Book

Brene Brown has spent her professional career dedicated to research and in the research for this book, she sought to answer the question, “How do you cultivate braver, more daring leaders, and how do you embed the value of courage in your culture?”

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