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Atomic Habits
James Clear lays out a clear model (incorporating 4 Laws) for developing habits:
Emotional Intelligence 2.0
Success is no longer determined by intellectual intelligence, experience or education, but rather, by emotional intelligence (EQ).
Crucial Conversations
Patterson, Grenny, McMillan & Switzer observed people who seem to navigate crucial conversations with skill and determined that they had a specific skillset which they used to create a model.
Daring Greatly
Brene Brown’s challenges the assumption that vulnerability is weakness and provides research to refute the claim.
A Whole New Mind
Daniel Pink’s tagline for this book is “Why right-brainers will rule the future.” Hmmm, ruling the future seems like a fun goal
The Leader Who Had No Title
Told as a business fable, The Leader Who Had No Title tells the story of Blake Davis, a military veteran working at a book store.
The Coaching Habit
Michael Bungay Stanier asks you to stay curious just a little bit longer, rather than simply jumping to giving advice which is our tendency.
The Happiness Advantage
Shawn Achor, a leader in the positive psychology field upends the traditional belief that success drives happiness, and instead presents research to demonstrate that happiness drives success.
The Power of Moments
We all have pivotal moments that we remember. Some are naturally elevated in our minds; such as a wedding or the birth of a child. Others moments were consciously created; such as a holiday tradition, or an amazing onboarding experience at work.
Radical Candor - The Book
Kim Scott creates a quadrant with a horizonal axis which measures how much someone challenges directly and a vertical axis which measures how much someone cares personally. The quadrant where someone cares personally and challenges directly results in Radical Candor.
The Infinite Game - The Book
We all understand finite games; with a set time frame, established rules, and clear winners and losers (sports, competitions). Our world, generally, reflects a infinite game, where the rules and time frame are unclear and there often is no clear winner and loser.
Start with Why - The Book
Simon Sinek has a bold vision in which people are fulfilled by their work and are called to lead from their Why (what inspires them). He presents the Golden Circle which he writes is rooted in biology.
Dare to Lead - The Book
Brene Brown has spent her professional career dedicated to research and in the research for this book, she sought to answer the question, “How do you cultivate braver, more daring leaders, and how do you embed the value of courage in your culture?”
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - The Book
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is an excellent book to lay the foundations of a strong team. In Five Dysfunctions, Lencioni presents a 5 layered hierarchy essential to a highly functioning team. I view this as a core book for any leader.