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UFYB: Embrace the Suck
I first heard the phrase “Embrace the Suck” from Brene Brown, But Lowentheil uses it here too in reference to the tough negative emotions that we tend to ignore and push down so we don’t feel.
Brene Brown on FFTs
Brene talks about F*&^ing First Times, which can often send us into a shame spiral. She presents a strategy for addressing these which involves naming it so you can normalize it, put it into perspective and reality check your expectations.
Perfectionism: Antidotes & Tomorrow Thinking
We have a strong tendencies to expect perfectionism from ourselves. Lowentheil has two great podcasts which address the dangers of perfectionism.
The Call to Courage Netflix Special
This special on Netflix is a fantastic overview of Brene Brown’s work. She shares many of her stories and research on vulnerability, courage, shame and leadership. A great introduction to explore before digging deeper into the rest of her work.
Dare to Lead with Simon Sinek
Anytime you can combine Brene Brown & Simon Sinek, I’m in (and it’s going to be a great listen). In this podcast, Brene Brown interviews Simon Sinek about his new book, The Infinite Game, and about how to develop an Infinite Mindset, and the difference between your Why and your Just Cause.