Blog Posts
From Stickers to Shoutouts: Why Recognition Still Matters
Elementary teachers have it figured out; they are aces of recognition. Few people make you feel like you’re succeeding more than an early elementary teacher. The praise, popcorn parties, and the piece de resistance: the scratch and sniff sticker.
The Case for Quiet Leadership: The Power of Listening
In a world where everyone seems to be shouting to be heard, who is taking the time to truly listen? Whether it’s the chatter of social media, breaking news, or the constant buzz of daily life, the noise can feel overwhelming.
From Crisis to Clarity: The Importance of Proactive Communication
Have you ever found yourself frustrated because key information wasn’t communicated?
You are not alone.
Mastering the Hybrid Workplace: Overcoming Challenges and Leading with Confidence
Hybrid work environments offer significant benefits, such as the ability to attract talent beyond local geographic areas, but they also present new challenges for leaders. Managing remote and hybrid teams requires navigating complexities that many have not faced before.
Leading with Empathy: Cultivating Strong Teams Through Relationships
In fall of 2004, I returned to teaching after maternity leave. I had secured a dayhome and done the transition with my one year old. A few weeks into my return, my dayhome operator informed me that she was closing in one week.
Mastering Effective Feedback: Strategies for Success
Feedback can seem like a scary word and is often equated with criticism, but feedback is different, and serves an important purpose.
Identify Bad Leaders Early: Traits That Signal Trouble
You’ve promoted (or hired) a manager and they aren’t meeting expectations, but maybe you think it’s not that bad.
The cost of poor management, however, is higher than you might think.
Inspire, Engage & Empower: 5 Tips to be a Better Leader
Exploring the question, "What defines a great leader?" uncovers a wealth of insights, which can be daunting to sift through.
Leadership, a multifaceted realm, often lacks explicit instruction, leaving novices and those seeking skill enhancement inundated with information and advice.
Leading Virtual Teams: Strategies for Success
Do you lead a virtual or hybrid team? Are you struggling to lead them? You aren’t alone.
Effective Delegation: What is Holding You Back?
How well do you delegate? Are you willing to let other people do things, or do you hold everything hold everything close to the chest?
Maximizing Meeting ROI: A Strategic Guide for Effective Meetings
A quick Google search yields a plethora of alarming statistics related to the cost of unproductive meetings. A few stats:
There are approximately 55 million meetings daily and at least half do not accomplish much (Forbes, 2019)
Beyond Transitions: Safeguarding Your Organization with Strategic Succession Planning
Succession planning often feels important, but execution is lacking. To do it effectively requires a proactive approach, belief in training and time devoted to creating a leadership pipeline. A strong succession plan allows you to fill vacancies quicker without significant disruption to the organization.
The Evolution of Leadership: Navigating Changes & Embracing the Future
In the area of leadership, the landscape has transformed significantly, reflecting major shifts in philosophy since the 1980s and 1990s.
Unlocking Success: The Transformative Power of Leadership Development
Your organization’s success is strongly linked to your leader’s strengths. You rely on them for more than executing vision and managing people. They need to have the skills to do these, but also to develop and support the next group of leaders.
Webcam to Wow: 7 Tips for Effective Virtual Meeting Participation
In today’s fast-paced landscape, virtual meetings have become a cornerstone of communication. However, effectively leading and participating in virtual meetings can present a set of unique challenges.
Mundane to Magnetic: Elevating Virtual Meetings
In today's landscape, virtual meetings have transitioned from being the exception to the norm. However, despite their prevalence, many of us may still lack the updated skillset required to effectively lead these virtual gatherings.
Mastering Leadership
Have you just been promoted into a leadership position and don’t know where to start? Or perhaps you’ve been at it awhile, but want to improve your skills. There are many things effective leaders have adopted as part of their practice:
Stop Fighting Who You Are
Do you ever feel like you are fighting against yourself; like you are trying to adapt to a system or process that just isn’t working?
The Dark Side of Meetings: Pitfalls Keeping You From Success
When is the last time you walked out of a meeting and said, “That was a kick ass meeting?”
Did you laugh out loud? Or maybe you quietly said to yourself, “never”?
Slay Your To Do List: Cruelty-Free Ways to Master Time Management
I don’t have enough time to do everything?
How many times have you uttered these words? What about:
I feel overwhelmed?