Blog Posts

Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione

From Stickers to Shoutouts: Why Recognition Still Matters

Elementary teachers have it figured out; they are aces of recognition. Few people make you feel like you’re succeeding more than an early elementary teacher. The praise, popcorn parties, and the piece de resistance: the scratch and sniff sticker.

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Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione

The Case for Quiet Leadership: The Power of Listening

In a world where everyone seems to be shouting to be heard, who is taking the time to truly listen? Whether it’s the chatter of social media, breaking news, or the constant buzz of daily life, the noise can feel overwhelming.

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Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione

Inspire, Engage & Empower: 5 Tips to be a Better Leader

Exploring the question, "What defines a great leader?" uncovers a wealth of insights, which can be daunting to sift through.

Leadership, a multifaceted realm, often lacks explicit instruction, leaving novices and those seeking skill enhancement inundated with information and advice.

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Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione

Mundane to Magnetic: Elevating Virtual Meetings

In today's landscape, virtual meetings have transitioned from being the exception to the norm. However, despite their prevalence, many of us may still lack the updated skillset required to effectively lead these virtual gatherings.

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Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione

Mastering Leadership

Have you just been promoted into a leadership position and don’t know where to start? Or perhaps you’ve been at it awhile, but want to improve your skills. There are many things effective leaders have adopted as part of their practice:

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Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione

Stop Fighting Who You Are

Do you ever feel like you are fighting against yourself; like you are trying to adapt to a system or process that just isn’t working?

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