Posts tagged Covid-19
Gratitude Reflection

It was just over a month ago that I wrote about a search for gratitude and optimism (Searching for Optimism and Gratitude). I (re)started a gratitude practice, although I committed do finding gratitude every single day, regardless of circumstances for the whole month of December. I’ve done the practice in the past, however, when I had a really hard day(s), I tended to drop it. The irony of that, though, is those were the days, I truly needed it.

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I HATE The Term "New Normal"

I was shopping with a friend the other day and on the front door of the store, they had listed their “rules” for shopping in the store (sanitize on the way in, wear a mask, don’t enter if you feel ill). These rules are all reasonable and honestly, are pretty similar regardless of where you go. At the bottom of the list, however, was a phrase that got my back up: “Welcome to our New Normal.”

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Pivoting is a skill; one which is getting tons of practice currently. It seems like we are constantly pivoting. In the middle of March, we did an about face as suddenly the world seemed to shut down. We lived through that, and in Alberta, we’ve been slowly reopening. Since then, it seems like things are constantly changing.

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Isolated Connection

I want to start by acknowledging that this blog post is one of the hardest I’ve written. My normal process is to write a rough draft one week and then edit and post it the following week. I sat down to edit what I wrote last week, and while the message is relevant (building trust), I believe that building connection is more pertinent to this crazy situation we all find ourselves in.

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